Thursday, 3 January 2013

Gran's Giving Me the Creep...ers

It was Christmas. We were all feeling a little brave and on a sugar high from eating copious amounts of Yule Log and Quality Street.

It was awesome.

What was I saying...? Oh yes, as you can see by the title my grandmother, she's a great Sheila (and by that I mean it's her name, not that I'm talking the Australian lingo), decided to take her style to new heights (with a bit of a platform) and wore my creepers for a fash-speriment (fashion experiment, yep, we're making that a thing now). She's pretty fashion forward for her age (82 - I hope that's right, she'll kill me if I've got that wrong!) and wanted to take a chance. I think they suit her pretty well~

Please excuse the slippers, it was the evening (and I just like being comfy...)

Do any of you have fashion-forward grannies? How do you like my gran in her creepers? (If they go missing I'll know who to blame...)

Take care,
Louise <3

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