Sunday, 22 May 2016

sunday feels better when it rains

Sunday is my favourite day, it's even better than Friday in my opinion.

So here's my rainy Sunday to-listen-to/to-do recommendations:

1. Write/draw/paint something (like I'm writing this lovely blog post for you lovely people and I may do some drawing later). There is seriously nothing better than a creative Sunday; pop on your artiste's hat and get creating!

2. Listen to some indie folk, because that's what Sundays are for: The Paper Kites' album Woodland (you can listen here) is beautiful, perfect for a rainy Sunday. It's getting sunnier here but it was lovely and rainy earlier. I just adore the feeling of being inside and watching the world outside when it rains. So tranquil, so peaceful. If it's a sunnier Sunday, I recommend Gregory and The Hawks's album Moenie and Kitchi (her voice is one I would imagine a china doll to have, it's lovely - listen here).

3. Dress as an eccentric Sunday lady/gent/somewhere-in-between (like me). Here's an example when I went for a walk earlier with the doge!

SHIRT + JACKET - charity shop // JEANS - dorothy perkins // TRAINERS - nike

Anyway, I hope you are all having fab Sundays, rainy or sunny or none of the above. Take care, enjoy, now, run along kids.

Love love,


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