Saturday, 21 May 2016

I'm a hippie???? WTF

Today a young fellow who I was buying paint from in B&Q posed a jokey, in his eyes, and to me, serious question.

He asked: 'Are you a hippie or something?'

I said: 'Uhhhhhhhhhhh. Idk. I don't think so.'

Shocked and slightly taken aback by his comment, I googled 'hippie'. This is what Google, oh dear old, trusty Google, told me:

HIPPIE: (especially in the 1960s) a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair and wearing beads, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs.

synonyms:flower childBohemianbeatnik, long-hair, free spiritnonconformistdropout
"yesterday's hippies are today's ad execs"

To fully give the context, here's a pic of what I was wearing today; the look, if you will: 

Let's analyse this: 

1. 'Typically having long hair' - I do NOT have long hair, this is clearly visible, though I guess at a push my appearance could be considered unconventional: the piercings, the bowl cut, the Ozzy Osbourne/John Lennon/Elton John glasses, the "interesting" (HAH. My gran thinks I look plain odd) clothes. Maybe I could be considered a 'contemporary hippie'. 

2. 'Associated with a subculture' - Now, this is a contentious issue; I don't like to be associated with any particular already-formed subculture. I tried that jazz: lolita, scene, punk, and I didn't like having rules to adhere to, and people to compare myself to. I take inspiration from everywhere. I'm a mongrel. I like that: JANUART STYLE MONGREL (should that be the header of my blog??? Totally comment your views below!! I'll love you forever <3 ) 

3. 'A rejection of conventional values' - Haha, you got that alright. I'm vegan, religionless and base my ethics on continental philosophers. I love to go against the grain. 'Contemporary hippie (or New Wave hippie') is sounding more and more like me.

4. 'Hallucinogenic drugs' - UH NO. Sorry, no drugs for me. :P 

But is 'hippie' a term for all kinds of alternative people whose look we just can't seem to put our finger on? A mainstream outsider may totally see me as a hippie, but step inside and we see that alternative style is a whole lot more complicated than that. 

Please, step inside. And shout out and thanks to the guy who called me a hippie for inspiring this post!

Totally leave your views down below! I'd love to hear what you think of being a 'contemporary/new wave hippie'. Maybe it'll even catch on! 



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