Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Sometimes my hair scares me...

Well, hello there my dears, and today Louise is feeling very content and at peace (and she appears to like speaking in third person...)

Anyway, after an exam (the final AS exam, only one A2 exam left and then that's it) and a trip to the charity shops, I have concocted an outfit post for you all (if there actually are any of you?) I recently dyed my hair BRIGHT orange, not your average ginger, but a pretty intense orange! I personally love it, although my gran has now taken to calling me carrot-top, *sigh*, but oh well, I guess it comes with the territory.

Anyway (I use this word too much, but at least it stops me going off on tangents) I found a very suitable t-shirt on my charity shop escapade as well as some lovely trousers, and a not-pictured-here sheer oversized sleeveless shirt. A good amount of plunder, I feel (yarrrr me hearties) and I just had to take an outfit shot, complete with the obligatory creepers! On to the pictures~

Glance to the left, sliiiide to the left (uh, maybe not!)

You can just see my tattoo, can you spot it?

Work those creepers, grl!

Yep, it's true though!
These trousers are super-high-waisted! And this is actually not too bad a smile!

T-shirt: charity shop
Trousers: charity shop
Creepers: New Look

Do you have any interesting slogan t-shirts? Care to share? 

Thanks for reading my dears~
Take care, 
Louise <3

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