Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Can a leopard change its spots?

Well... *looks sheepish* I am a very bad blogger, but what with A Level exams and coursework deadlines, this blog has taken a back seat. Luckily summer is fast approaching and I'll be able to dedicate a lot of time to writing some content for my *cough* non-existent *cough* readers! Anyway, in short I'm sorry and in long oh-I'm-so-useless-and-can't-multi-task-to-save-my-life-sorry! But I will change my spots and post regularly! A leopard (in this case me in this wildly odd extended metaphor) can and will change its spots. (To be honest I chose to name this post that since my outfit involved spots. Forgive me.)

I had a rather lazy day and decided to make it a super-fab-put-on-makeup-and-actually-consider-outfit day! I hope you enjoy my outfit~

(I used to write a paragraph detailing where everything was from, but that's annoying, right?)
Blouse: vintage from the charity shop I work at (we might be seeing a post about that soon!)
Skirt: Guess (got it from a local boutique in the sale)
Tights: Dorothy Perkins
Shoes: Converse All Star (complete with odd laces, typical me!)

And you may notice I have a purple patch of hair again... I got bored, okay? hehe.

Thanks for reading and I'll be posting again very soon, perhaps a haul? If you'd like?

Take care, 
Louise <3

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