Monday, 27 May 2013

Polka Dot Daze

Good day all, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I've had my caffeine fix this morning! Life is good!

Therefore please enjoy this outfit:

Super casual!

You can see my tattoooo~

Pigeon toed!

Aren't they awesome? Can't beat holographic, right?

Simple, with a retro feel! And I finally got to wear this dress, which makes me very happy, and the same with my new sandals~
Dress: JOY
Fur collar: Vintage (it's faux fur, no worries)
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell Deetz

I'm just off to a balcony gig this afternoon, and I'll be wearing that same dress I should think but in a more casual way. Also, it's half term (yes I'm still at school, though I wish I wasn't) and I'm feeling quite creative and thrifty. Please look forward to more posts this week!

Thanks for reading!
Have you gone a bit retro recently? Any Jeffrey Campbell shoes you have your eye on?

Take care, 
Louise <3

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Sometimes my hair scares me...

Well, hello there my dears, and today Louise is feeling very content and at peace (and she appears to like speaking in third person...)

Anyway, after an exam (the final AS exam, only one A2 exam left and then that's it) and a trip to the charity shops, I have concocted an outfit post for you all (if there actually are any of you?) I recently dyed my hair BRIGHT orange, not your average ginger, but a pretty intense orange! I personally love it, although my gran has now taken to calling me carrot-top, *sigh*, but oh well, I guess it comes with the territory.

Anyway (I use this word too much, but at least it stops me going off on tangents) I found a very suitable t-shirt on my charity shop escapade as well as some lovely trousers, and a not-pictured-here sheer oversized sleeveless shirt. A good amount of plunder, I feel (yarrrr me hearties) and I just had to take an outfit shot, complete with the obligatory creepers! On to the pictures~

Glance to the left, sliiiide to the left (uh, maybe not!)

You can just see my tattoo, can you spot it?

Work those creepers, grl!

Yep, it's true though!
These trousers are super-high-waisted! And this is actually not too bad a smile!

T-shirt: charity shop
Trousers: charity shop
Creepers: New Look

Do you have any interesting slogan t-shirts? Care to share? 

Thanks for reading my dears~
Take care, 
Louise <3

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Grandmother's Sandals

Another post from me, told you I'd post more often!

A quick outfit post for today, since I've been feeling far more fashion-y recently. For a while I wore nothing but massive jumpers and old jeans, but things are on the up - only two exams left and everything is fitting into place. Enjoy~

I know this sandals are a little old-ladyesque, but I love them!
Top: Market in France (whilst on holiday)
Skirt: Charity shop
Tights: unknown
Sandals: Charity shop

Things are getting a little more summery here in Guernsey and I'm feeling pretty good! 

What are you wearing this summer? Any particular pieces you're looking forward to wearing?

Take care, 
Louise <3

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Can a leopard change its spots?

Well... *looks sheepish* I am a very bad blogger, but what with A Level exams and coursework deadlines, this blog has taken a back seat. Luckily summer is fast approaching and I'll be able to dedicate a lot of time to writing some content for my *cough* non-existent *cough* readers! Anyway, in short I'm sorry and in long oh-I'm-so-useless-and-can't-multi-task-to-save-my-life-sorry! But I will change my spots and post regularly! A leopard (in this case me in this wildly odd extended metaphor) can and will change its spots. (To be honest I chose to name this post that since my outfit involved spots. Forgive me.)

I had a rather lazy day and decided to make it a super-fab-put-on-makeup-and-actually-consider-outfit day! I hope you enjoy my outfit~

(I used to write a paragraph detailing where everything was from, but that's annoying, right?)
Blouse: vintage from the charity shop I work at (we might be seeing a post about that soon!)
Skirt: Guess (got it from a local boutique in the sale)
Tights: Dorothy Perkins
Shoes: Converse All Star (complete with odd laces, typical me!)

And you may notice I have a purple patch of hair again... I got bored, okay? hehe.

Thanks for reading and I'll be posting again very soon, perhaps a haul? If you'd like?

Take care, 
Louise <3

Monday, 6 May 2013

"Thrift" (or Charity Shop) Haul of late!

Why hello there and today I will be the provider of your reading material. My name is Louise and I like to be silly and ironic, so let's get going~

I found some mighty cool stuff on my charity shop escapade (yes, I do like that word, who doesn't?) and I'd like to share it with you. I went to my local hospice shop and browsed for a while, and that's where I found three of the pieces and two were from a visit to Oxfam.

Being quite petite and most charity shop clothing being fairly large, I like to call the pieces 'oversized' (aka Goddamn I love this piece of clothing but it's huge on me. Oh well, I'll just tuck in it or belt it and it'll be fine *camply waves wrist*). I like larger clothing anyway, it's more comfortable. I've actually really been into wearing men's jumpers and such recently. I've been kinda influenced by Darwin Deez and even bought a red anorak similar to the one he wore in his Up In The Clouds video. In fact, as I write this, I am listening to his (fabulous) music! Here's the beautiful man I adore:
Isn't he awesome?? Sorry, anyway, less fangirling, on with the haul... (Major tangent there!)

First of all - a lovely tartan dress, from Warehouse in its pre-charity shop days, I believe. I wore it today to college and I think it has a rather punk feel, which I love! Who doesn't love a bit of punk, after all?

This is probably my best charity shop find EVER! It's an Iron Fist dress and I picked it up for a mere £9!!!!! It would probably have retailed for £60-70 (I have an Iron Fist hoodie and that cost me £60) and it's in perfect condition. Win win! It's a little large but it still looks good (I hope). And it also really reminds me of tattoos (I've been a little obsessed with them recently.) 
I really love this sheer shirt also, and it has lovely embroidery around the collar. For £3 I thought it quite a bargain! However it is a size 18 and is certainly over-sized on my size 6-8 frame. But whatever, I like it anyway.

Classic pink simplicity here: a lovely Marks and Sparks (yes, I call it that!) top. Size 16 though... But it does look cute tucked into jeans or shorts, so that's all good with me!
Finally, this was a piece I picked up from Oxfam for £1.99 and it screams 60s to me. I really like to pair it with my workman dungarees (I'm sure they'll appear in an outfit post very soon!). 

So, that was my thrift haul! I hope you enjoyed it, and thank you for reading. 

Have you picked up anything cool in your thrift/charity shops recently? What would you pair my pieces with?

Take care, 
Louise <3