Why hello there and today I will be the provider of your reading material. My name is Louise and I like to be silly and ironic, so let's get going~
I found some mighty cool stuff on my charity shop escapade (yes, I do like that word, who doesn't?) and I'd like to share it with you. I went to my local hospice shop and browsed for a while, and that's where I found three of the pieces and two were from a visit to Oxfam.
Being quite petite and most charity shop clothing being fairly large, I like to call the pieces 'oversized' (aka Goddamn I love this piece of clothing but it's huge on me. Oh well, I'll just tuck in it or belt it and it'll be fine *camply waves wrist*). I like larger clothing anyway, it's more comfortable. I've actually really been into wearing men's jumpers and such recently. I've been kinda influenced by Darwin Deez and even bought a red anorak similar to the one he wore in his Up In The Clouds video. In fact, as I write this, I am listening to his (fabulous) music! Here's the beautiful man I adore:
Isn't he awesome?? Sorry, anyway, less fangirling, on with the haul... (Major tangent there!)
First of all - a lovely tartan dress, from Warehouse in its pre-charity shop days, I believe. I wore it today to college and I think it has a rather punk feel, which I love! Who doesn't love a bit of punk, after all?
This is probably my best charity shop find EVER! It's an Iron Fist dress and I picked it up for a mere £9!!!!! It would probably have retailed for £60-70 (I have an Iron Fist hoodie and that cost me £60) and it's in perfect condition. Win win! It's a little large but it still looks good (I hope). And it also really reminds me of tattoos (I've been a little obsessed with them recently.)
I really love this sheer shirt also, and it has lovely embroidery around the collar. For £3 I thought it quite a bargain! However it is a size 18 and is certainly over-sized on my size 6-8 frame. But whatever, I like it anyway.
Classic pink simplicity here: a lovely Marks and Sparks (yes, I call it that!) top. Size 16 though... But it does look cute tucked into jeans or shorts, so that's all good with me!
Finally, this was a piece I picked up from Oxfam for £1.99 and it screams 60s to me. I really like to pair it with my workman dungarees (I'm sure they'll appear in an outfit post very soon!).
So, that was my thrift haul! I hope you enjoyed it, and thank you for reading.
Have you picked up anything cool in your thrift/charity shops recently? What would you pair my pieces with?
Take care,
Louise <3