Wednesday, 1 June 2016

struggling? 5 ways to feel better about your life in a matter of minutes

Things aren't always as they seem: believe it or not, and I'm just going to come out and say it, I have a chronic mental illness. I won't go into (or reiterate if you know me in person) my diagnosis, but just know that it affects me every day in many different ways. I quite often feel, and there's no other word for it, shit about my life. 'I'll never get over this... the thoughts will never stop... everything is pointless' are thoughts that often fly around the sphere of my mind. But there are things that you and I can do to feel better! Here are some:

1. Talk talk talk until you can talk no more!
There's nothing more therapeutic than a good old chat, and whether you just need to chat to a family member or friend or if you need it, a therapist, call them up or go and see them, and just TALK. Word vomit to your heart's content, be the very definition of stream of consciousness. Or if you feel there's no one you can trust with certain things, write it down or talk to yourself. You can rip it up afterwards, that's cool, just get it out.

2. Distract yourself with the web!
This is where Tumblr having endless scrolling is particularly useful :P
And of course there are many resources available, such as Mind, just google it (and I've linked Mind here!) to help. Also don't be afraid to reach out on Instagram or Facebook, your friends will want to help you out if you're feeling bad, keep people in the loop if you're struggling.

 3. If you're feeling shit and having urges to do unhealthy behaviours, don't do it and distract yourself for 20 mins!
This piece of advice is key: urges pass and if you can manage to deter yourself from undertaking maladaptive behaviours for 20 minutes, there's a much better chance you won't end up doing the behaviour. Practice what works, as my nurse says, so distract yourself with whatever you enjoy doing - for me, it's internetting! So I'll go on Tumblr for 20 mins then see how I feel, often I feel a lot better and don't end up doing the behaviour.

4. Utilise your hindsight!
Have you felt like this before? Did it get better then? (Clue: yes it did) How did you help yourself then? So practice what works for 20 mins, avoid behaviours and keep going! You can do it, chick :)

5. Trust yourself!
This is the most important element of this post. You are the only person you will ever have throughout your life. You have you and only you forever, other people come and go, so trust that you can keep yourself afloat. Say kind things to yourself and embrace your emotions and thoughts, sow happy seeds and grow bountiful crops. And most of all, you do you!! It's okay to feel shit, but look after yourself, m'kay?

You are all fabulous beings who are strong and independent, so stay that way, my chickens.

I hope you enjoyed this post, if you want more recovery-related content let me know and totally check out my personal Insta to keep an eye on me

Love love


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your latest comment! I'll be sure to keep posting and hopefully stay cool lol! This post is great. Over the last year or so I've developed really bad anxiety that can leave me bed bound cuz I'm just being sick - bit TMI but oh well. This advice is so on the money - talking through problems is so crucial to any sort of better feeling. xox
