Monday, 23 December 2013

A Homemade Christmas Jumper - 3 ways!

Merry Christmas Eve-Eve everyone! And here: a homemade Christmas jumper (that festive must have) 3 ways - one very casual, one slightly more day-out sorta themed and one rather more party-worthy!
Firstly, my blog is nearly a year old and it has had barely any attention since the summer, which I would like to apologise for. Life gets in the way, eh? But I will try harder to get on with some more posts over the festive season, and in the new year.
What's new with me? I'm getting a new tattoo on the 3rd January and I'm still doing A Levels and such. Please wait for pictures~ Anyway, on with the post.

Jumper: knitted by my mother
Shoes: Nike
Jeans: Miss Selfridge
Necklace: vintage via ASOS marketplace

Jacket: Vintage via charity shop
Socks: unknown
Shoes: converse
Skirt: Atmosphere via eBay

Rings: Accessorize
Tights: unknown
Dress: Miss Selfridge (sale - only a tenner!!)

Shoes: Topshop
Many thanks to my wonderful father for the photography. Isn't he adorable?
Christmas is a lovely time, don't you agree? What are your Christmas jumpers like? Have you knitted your own you crafty people?
And yes: my hair is slightly green and I have a collar bone tattoo (both purposeful!) My hair was a lot greener before but it's faded greatly.
Thanks for reading! :D
Louise <3


  1. You are so cute!! and yes your father is adorable, I think it's really nice of him to help you with the pictures.
    Your outfit really fits the season, my favorite item in it was the shoes :3
    What does your collarbone tattoo says? btw I had green hair too :)

    1. Thank you so much ^_^ I really love the shoes too!
      My tattoo says 'And she will be loved.' (like the Maroon 5 song :P ) but it's backwards so I can read it in the mirror! And ooh green hair for the win :D Thanks for following btw!
