Happy nearly 2014 everyone!!! What are your new year's resolutions? Here are mine and let's take a look at how last year's resolutions turned out~
Last year's:
1. Keep blogging
Well this one was kinda up and down, due to complications with internet access and general lack of motivation but I'm still blogging and though this blog has had a make-over, it still exists! No one reads it though....
2. Create a wardrobe
I'm actually really happy with this one. I love my current wardrobe and though there are certain things I wish I could add, I'm pretty content - see my wardrobe transition post here. I'll be sorting out my wardrobe and posting some of my favourite pieces very soon (the new year is looking hopeful!)
3. Velvet pieces
Oh my, have I done this! I've bought dresses, tops and a skirt in velvet and I'm still desperately in love with this trend.
4. Take some risks!
Green hair, bright glasses, neon jeans and furry coats - I've succeeded in this too. Here find my favourite post with my craziest fashion (and purple hair!)
5. Get contacts
I haven't done this one yet, but maybe this year...
6. Read fashion magazines other than Company.
I haven't quite managed this one, though I did buy a copy of Nylon once!
This year's:
1. Be more positive! I try to think positively but I always feel we drag ourselves down. Time to smile and look ahead :D
2. Be healthier (typical I know) - gym and healthier food I think.
3. Grow out my hair - I've vowed not to cut it for the entire of 2014!! I'll let you know how growing out an asymmetric cut goes.
4. Blog more (this one speaks for itself).
5. Go to university!
Now~ here's my favourite photo from this year:
Thanks for your support this year and though there are few of you, I hope you have a wonderful new year and your resolutions pan out well.
Louise <3